Fakultät für Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften


13.10.2020|13:58 Uhr

Friday 30 October from 09:00 hrs to 11:00 hrs.

The winter semester 2020 placement test for Erstis of Anglistik will take place on Friday 30 October at 09:00. The test will be administered with Moodle, and monitored via Zoom.

Access details are as follows:

Moodle platform: PLACEMENT TEST WS20/21 ( in Anglistik/Amerikanistik, under Hurford, N. )

Password (for self enrollment): ELPT20-1

Please self-enroll as soon as possible. The Zoom invitation will be sent to all self-enrolled students during the week starting on 27 October.

Kindly note that this test must be taken by all Anglistik Erstis, as an administrative requirement connected with the Grammar 1 credit point. The score obtained in the test will be of a strictly diagnostic value only, and even a fail will have no practical consequences for your study programme.

It is important that you check this space from time to time for updates.