Fakultät für Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften


10 May 2022: Information session Bilingual Studies Abroad. Poster

25 April 2022: 37 Wuppertal students start their school placements in England Wales. Have a safe trip and see you soon!

21 May 2021, 12:15pm: Information session for school placements abroad, organized jointly by Prof. Frisch and the International Office. Free Movers who have already found their own schools for placements and who would like to join the preparatory classes to obtain credit points are also welcome. Please contact teflsupport[at]uni-wuppertal.de to obtain access information for the Zoom session.

21 January 2021: PrimA on Internationalisation at home at the University of Cologne

20 March 2020:
We were greatly saddened earlier this week when we were forced to the decision to cancel this year's PrimA project due to the serious risk to health and even to life posed by the coronavirus pandemic. Now safeguarding and social distancing is everyone's responsibility. We wish you well in the coming weeks and months, hoping that you, your families, your friends remain safe.

Wuppertal 20 March 2020
Prof. Dr. Bärbel Diehr
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Frisch
Dr. Ralf Gießler
Julian Dietze
Anna Lisa Fischer
Lea Uhlmann

11 October 2019: The returning students meet the outgoing students
1. Returning students meet at 12:00 h in room O.09.36
2. Outgoing students meet returning students at 14:00 h in HS 8 (G.10.03)

--> press release

21 -22 May 2019: PrimA Participants 2019 meeting up with Prof. Stefanie Frisch

Moat Farm Infant School, Oldbury

St. Thomas More Catholic School, Willenhall

Nether Stowe School, Lichfield

15 May 2019: Information session for school placements abroad, organized jointly by Prof. Diehr and the International Office. Free Movers who have already found their own schools for placements
and who would like to join the preparatory classes to obtain credit points are also welcome.
--> Press release

14 May 2019 „Going Global German & UK Showcase“, British Embassy Berlin
--> Press Release

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26 September 2018: Homecoming students meet outgoing students - First meetings between those who completed their placement in the summer of 2018 in England and Wales, and the students who are preparing for the Placement in the summer of 2019.
Press release

25 April 2018: Information session for school placements abroad,
organized jointly by Prof. Diehr and the International Office.
Free Movers who have already found their own schools for placements
and who would like to join the preparatory classes to obtain credit
points are also welcome.


26 September 2017: Press Release
Auslandsschulpraktikum in England und Wales: Informationen aus erster Hand

26 September 2017: Homecoming students meet outgoing students - First meetings between who completed their placement in the summer of 2017 in England and Wales, and the students who are preparing for the Placement in the summer 2018.

22 May 2017: PrimA students in Pembrokeshire meeting up with professor Diehr
at Prendergast Community School, Haverfordwest.

10 May 2017: Information session for school placements abroad,
organized jointly by Prof. Diehr and the International Office.
Free Movers who have already found their own schools for placements
and who would like to join the preparatory classes to obtain credit
points are also welcome.

07 October 2016: Press release

Auslandsschulpraktikum in England und Wales: Informationen aus erster Hand

07 October 2016:

10-13 h: Returning students to be welcomed back in room O.09.36.

14-16 h: Outgoing students meet Returning students in lecture hall 8 (G.10.03)- First meeting between those students who completed their placement in the summer of 2016 in England and Wales, and the students who are preparing for the placement in the summer 2017.

Von links nach rechts: Prof. Alex Kendall (Associate Dean Research and Business Development, School of Education), Prof. Bärbel Diehr (Didaktik des Englischen, Visiting Professor), Dr. Amanda French (Senior Researcher in the Centre for Research in Education, School of Education), Prof. Mark O’Hara (Associate Dean Student Learning Experience, Faculty of Health, Education and Life Sciences)

02.09.2016: "Internationalising initial teacher education - a case of
partnership working across borders". Keynote Vortrag anlässlich 38th
Annual EAIR (European Association of International Research) Forum
2016, Birmingham City University, United Kingdom.

23 May 2016: Get-together of the 'Pembrokeshire Group' inside
Prendergast Community School, Haverfordwest

26 May 2016: Get-together of the 'Carmarthenshire Group' outside Queen
Elisabeth High School, Carmarthen

11 May 2016: Information session for school placements abroad,
organized jointly by Prof. Diehr and the International Office.
Free Movers who have already found their own schools for placements
and who would like to join the preparatory classes to obtain credit
points are also welcome.

22-23 January 2016: Prof Diehr and Dr Lintorf present the poster 'School Placements Abroad - A Rich Learning Environment for Pre-Service Primary EFL Teachers' at the international conference 'The Professional Development of in-service and pre-servce primary EFL teachers. National and International Research at the University of Vechta.

14 December 2015: Dipl.-Psych. Irina Zavhorodnya holds a Workshop on "Intercultural competence for staying abroad".

25.-29.10.2015: The Welsh-German Dialogue. Preparing School Placements for German Students in Haverfordwest (A visit from a Welsh delegation).

Mrs Janet Dunlop (l.,Headteacher at Prendergast Community Primary School) and Mrs Sheila Raymonds (r.,Teacher)


9 October 2015: Press release

Auslandspraktikum in England und Wales: Informationen aus erster Hand


9 October 2015:

10-13 h: Returning students to be welcomed back in room K.11.10 (K8).

14-16 h: Outgoing students meet Returning students in lecture hall 8 (G.10.03)- First meeting between those students who completed their placement in the summer of 2015 in England and Wales, and the students who are preparing for the placement in the summer 2016.


1 - 5 June 2015: The German student teachers currently on placements
in England and Wales meet up with their supervisors Professor Diehr
and Ms Botz.


13 May 2015: Information session for school placements abroad,
organized jointly by Prof. Diehr and the International Office.
Free Movers who have already found their own schools for placements
and who would like to join the preparatory classes to obtain credit
points are also welcome.


11 May 2015 "Three for the Price of One: The Experience of School Placements Abroad in Initial Teacher Education at the University of Wuppertal". Presentation by Professor Diehr at the PAD Conference »The International Dimension in Teacher Training – Impulses from International School Exchange« 11 – 12 May 2015 in Bonn.

15 December 2014: The DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) awarded the 'Committed to Uniqueness 2014' (COM2UNI) prize to Professor Bärbel Diehr of the
University of Wuppertal for consistent and outstanding contributions
to student teacher mobility.

10 October 2014: Homecoming students meet outgoing students - First meetings between who completed their placement in the summer of 2014 in England and Wales, and the students who are preparing for the Placement in the summer 2015.

16 June 2014: Deadline for applications for places at schools abroad in 2015.

13 June 2014: 10th anniversary for German teacher scheme (Pembrokeshire County Council) (World News Article)

9 June 2014: Reception and dinner held by the Director of Education Jake
Morgan to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Welsh-German partnership
in the PrimA project (Pembrokeshire County Council, Haverfordwest).

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