Fakultät für Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften

Zeitgeist Irland 24 Reading Tour

28.05.2024|14:41 Uhr

As part of their Zeitgeist Irland 24 Reading Tour, two award-winning Irish poets will visit Wuppertal:
Jessica Traynor and Stephen Sexton have achieved success and recognition both inside and outside of Ireland with poetry that both speaks to and challenges the Irish canon.

Jessica Traynor and Stephen Sexton will present poetry on desire, identity, parenthood, divination, memory, love and loss, and speak on the themes, preoccupations, and obsessions which form their work.

On Tuesday, 11.06.2024, 18.30 there will be a reading at SWANE-Café (Luisenstraße 102a).
On Wednesday, 12.06.2024, 16.15, in room O.09.36, Jessica Traynor and Stephen Sexton will give a talk and discuss their work with us.

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