Tutorials Winter Term 2023/24
Literary Studies
Introduction to Literary Studies
Mon 14:00-16:00 with Rebecca Diester in K1 (K.12.23)
Tue 16:00-18:00 with Gökcenur Celik in HS 27 (I.13.70)
Wed 16:00-18:00 with Viktoria Stotzka in HS 01 (BZ.08.06)
Thu 8:00-10:00 with Viktoria Stotzka in HS 01 (BZ.08.06)
Grundlagenseminar A (British Literature)
Wed 14:00-16:00: GLS A (Heinen) with Regina Göbel in O.10.32
Thu 16:00-18:00: GLS A (Sommer) with Regina Göbel in K7 (K.11.15)
Grundlagenseminar B (American Literature)
Mo 10:00-12:00: GLS B (Höss) with Rebecca Diester in K1 (K.12.23)
Mo 16:00-18:00: GLS B (Spengler) with Tugba Karaca in HS 20 (O.07.06)
Do 16:00-18:00: GLS B (Hofmann) with Tugba Karaca in K5 (K.11.20)
(The dates will be announced here shortly.)
For queries please contact angment[at]uni-wuppertal.de.

You can also find the English and American Studies mentoring programme on Instagram. Here are news about the tutorials and other events.