School of Humanities

Mentoring Programme

An advantage of studying British and American Studies at the University of Wuppertal is that all first year students have access to a structured, professional mentoring programme. The scope of our mentoring programme surpasses many similar programmes offered by other universities. Our mentors (Dominik Besier and Mariam Muwanga) are happy to answer your questions concerning settling in to the university as well as queries about structuring and planning your courses of study.


The office hour for mentoring takes place at the times listed below in MI.14.05.

Wed, 11:00-12:00 (Mariam Muwanga)


Building MI is located behind Building I and Buliding K. A simple campus map can be found here.


We also offer three different types of Tutorials that are given by experienced students in advanced semesters.


You can also find the mentoring programme on Facebook. Here you will find news regarding tutorials and other department events.