School of Humanities

M.A. Julia Wewior

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Office Hours Summer Term 2022

Please register for my office hours via Moodle: Sprechstunden der Anglistik/Amerikanistik

Should my office hours not work with your schedule, please send me an email.


Julia Wewior is a researcher and lecturer in the field of American Studies and is currently working on her PhD project tentatively entitled “Narrating Precarity in Adichie's and Danticat's Writing”. She is a board member of Wuppertal's Center for Narrative Research and her research focusses on Migration Studies and Precarity, Women Writers, Gender Studies, African American Studies, Caribbean Studies, Ethics and Aesthetics, More-than-Human Studies and Narratology. She has recently co-edited a special issue of Parallax on Migrant States of Exception.


My profile on the website of the University's Center for Graduate Studies (CGS):


Symposium “Agency, Community, Kinship — Representations of Migration Beyond Victimhood”
Call for Papers



AG "Erzählforschung," a research group for postdocs and (post-)graduate students affiliated with Wuppertal's Center for Narrative Research (CNR):


Talks with Taste:





Wewior, Julia. “The Migrant as ‘Ungrievable’ Life and ‘Bare Body’ in The Farming of Bones.” Migrant States of Exception II. Special Issue of Parallax 27.3 (2022): 300 -322.

Spengler, Birgit, Lea Espinoza Garrido, Sylvia Mieszkowski, and Julia Wewior. “Introduction: Migrant Lives in a State of Exception.” Migrant States of Exception I. Special Issue of Parallax 27.2. (2022): 115-158.

Mieszkowski, Sylvia, Birgit Spengler, and Julia Wewior, eds. Migrant States of Exception I. Special Issue of Parallax 27.2 (2022).

Hofmann, Bettina and Julia Wewior. “Von Grauen und Glamour: Repräsentationen des Holocaust in den USA und Deutschland, by Susanne Rohr. Winter, 2021, 386 pp.”, Amerikastudien/American Studies 67.2 (2022). 276 – 277. Book Review.

Espinoza Garrido, Lea, Sylvia Mieszkowski, Birgit Spengler, and Julia Wewior. “Introduction: Migrant Lives in a State of Exception II.” Migrant States of Exception II. Special Issue of Parallax 27.3 (2022): 241-249.

Espinoza Garrido, Lea, Sylvia Mieszkowski, Birgit Spengler, Thomas Spijkerboer, and Julia Wewior. “Migration Emergencies in the European Postcolony: An Interview with Thomas Spijkerboer.” Migrant States of Exception I. Special Issue of Parallax 27.2 (2022): 223-239.

Espinoza Garrido, Lea, Sylvia Mieszkowski, Yehuda Sharim, Birgit Spengler, and Julia Wewior. “Documentary Filmmaking and the Representation of Migrant Lives. An Interview with Yehuda Sharim.” Migrant States of Exception II. Special Issue of Parallax 27.3 (2022): 267-281.




05/2021: “Home and Belonging in The Farming of Bones and Claire of the Sea Light”. International Symposium “(Re-)Thinking Home: 21st-Century Caribbean Diaspora Cultures & Geopolitical Imaginaries in North America”, Universität Bielefeld, Germany.

04/2021: “Pondering Non-Citizenship: The Migrant Body as Space of Exception”. International Symposium “EAAS 2020”, University of Warsaw, Poland.

10/2020: “Grieving the ‘Ungrievable’: Narrating Precarious Lives”. International Symposium “EDEN 2020: The Age of the Precariat”, National University of Galway, Ireland.

12/2019: “Conflating War and Migration: State of Exception Discourse in The Farming of Bones”. Postgraduate Forum of the German Association for American Studies (PGF 2019), Universität Passau, Germany.

11/2019: “Border Crossings and Migrant States of Exception in The Farming of Bones”. International Symposium ”Migrant States of Exception“, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany.

09/2109: “Narrating Precarity”. Postgraduate Forum “Current Trajectories in Narrative Research“, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany.

10/2013: “Humor and Representations of the Nazi Regime: Mel Brooks’ The Producers vs. Peter Barnes’ Laughter!”. Postgraduate Forum of the German Association for American Studies (PGF 2013) Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany.

05/2011: “Coping with the Past: Trauma in Morrison’s Beloved”. Student Symposium „Narrating History“, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Germany.



German Association for American Studies (DGfA)

Center for Narrative Research (ZEF)

Center for Graduate Studies (ZGS)

AG Erzählforschung

AG More-than-Human Humanities